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Wilfy's Shop

Average Rating4.53
(based on 199 reviews)

A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.




A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.
Employability Skills: Preparing and Learning from Work Experience

Employability Skills: Preparing and Learning from Work Experience

A 4 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The units are: - preparing for work placement [including logistics, expectations, etc] - learning from work placement [an evaluation and self-assessment activity]
How to Revise and Revision and Exam Techniques

How to Revise and Revision and Exam Techniques

A very detailed Powerpoint [64 detailed slides!] has been used as comprehensive resource with Year 11s and Year 11 Parent Information Evenings. Includes the importance of revision, how to revise, examination technique, command words and examination preparation.
SMSC Audit Tool

SMSC Audit Tool

An SMSC tool that breaks down Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of school. Can be used in any phase of education. Has been used at whole-school and departmental level and attempts to link to specific OfSTED framework language. Running over 13 pages, this has been completed by all department leads in school and then collated to give the full picture regarding SMSC delivery across the school community. **New TES uploader** Reviews gratefully received.